jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2018


At the moment I am finishing my film studies, so this last time I've thought a lot about what to study or do next. Among the options I have thought of are studying and specialize in some area of ​​the cinema. I thought about specializing in film editing, because it's a specialty that I like a lot and it's also what I'm currently doing

As I mentioned in a previous post, I would like to specialize in the Instituto Cubano del Arte e Industria Cinematográficos (ICAIC), since it is a good place to study, apart as I mentioned before, many of my professors studied there and have made good films.

Another area in which I would like to specialize is in the history and theory of cinema. Here in Chile, there are very few studies on theory and the history of cinema, only in recent decades has been given a little more importance, but still remains very little. For what I would like to dedicate myself to that: theory, history and restoration of the film heritage. There are very few places here that are dedicated to that. So what if or if I would have to specialize outside of Chile.

With regard to the modality postgraduate studies the best for me would be a part-time course
since this way he would have time to work or other activities

1 comentario:

  1. I think is a excelent idea thats study in the cinema in Cuba, nice and beautiful country
