jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2018


Hi! I have three favorite authors: Jorge Luis Borges, Fyodor Dostoievski and José María Arguedas.  And just my favorite book is Crime and Punishment by Dostovieski.  I like Dostoevsky too much and especially "Crime and Punishment", because he knows too well how to create an atmosphere, something very few authors can achieve. So much is the creation of worlds that Dostoevsky can make in his books, Self can feel sensations and thoughts of the characters, without the author expressing in his words such sensations. For those who do not know, "Crime and Punishment" is about a student who is overwhelmed by debts he must leave school. To solve his situation, the protagonist of the novel decides to steal and kill the old usurer with whom he pawned his few possessions.

Leaving aside Dostoevsky and literature, I also like to read a lot about philosophy, so I like the stories and poems of Jorge Luis Borges, because they contain a strong philosophical burden. Speaking fully about philosophy, some of the authors that I really like are Debord, Marx, Marcuse, Benjamin and others. In general I like that critical philosophy. For the same the last book I read is "Money" author John Kenneth Galbraith, a political economist from England. For those who want to get into the critique of political economy, this book I read, is a good introduction as it is not difficult to read and very enjoyable and entertaining

jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2018


At the moment I am finishing my film studies, so this last time I've thought a lot about what to study or do next. Among the options I have thought of are studying and specialize in some area of ​​the cinema. I thought about specializing in film editing, because it's a specialty that I like a lot and it's also what I'm currently doing

As I mentioned in a previous post, I would like to specialize in the Instituto Cubano del Arte e Industria Cinematográficos (ICAIC), since it is a good place to study, apart as I mentioned before, many of my professors studied there and have made good films.

Another area in which I would like to specialize is in the history and theory of cinema. Here in Chile, there are very few studies on theory and the history of cinema, only in recent decades has been given a little more importance, but still remains very little. For what I would like to dedicate myself to that: theory, history and restoration of the film heritage. There are very few places here that are dedicated to that. So what if or if I would have to specialize outside of Chile.

With regard to the modality postgraduate studies the best for me would be a part-time course
since this way he would have time to work or other activities

jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2018


I would like to have a job related to what I am finishing studying at the moment, that is, I would like to have a job related to the cinema.

That I like the most about the works related to the cinema, is that they are
very different from each other and the most varied. So that is very
comfortable for me, since I do not like to always do the same.
For example, in a film project, I could be working in photography, while
in another I could be focused on work and sound design.
I love that versatility of cinema. It is so much the versatility of the work
in the cinema, that sometimes it is necessary to
work indoor, and in other outdoor, and even outside the city in which one lives
and even in another country. One has to be prepared for anything unexpected.

With regard to salary, I am not greedy. With enough to live modestly, I'm happy.

If I had to specialize in any area, I would like to do it in the montage.
But obviously, as I said before, that does not mean that I will only
dedicate myself to editing.
I like to do many more things, this way I do not get bored for
always doing the same thing.

jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2018


Unfortunately my favorite food I can not eat all year. Why would you ask?
Well, because my favorite food is the Humitas, my beloved Humitas. As you know, Humitas are basically made of corn, and that means that Humitas can not be made all year round, because the corn season is just summer. Also as you may know there is a long controversy on how to accompany the Humitas, if it is with tomatoes or sugar. At least for me, the Humitas fascinate me with tomatoes.

With respect to cooking, I try not to. I do not do it much because I get distracted easily,
so I forget that I'm cooking and when that happens when I cook (or rather I try to cook),
I forget and I burn things. I hope someday to focus and concentrate while I cook so
that my food does not burn.

This last year I have not had lunch at the university, since I'm in my last year,
if I do not have much to go to classes, basically what I'm going to,
it's because I have meetings with professors about my thesis.
Before, when I had more classes, I had lunch as cheaply as I could find to eat.
The sad misfortune of the poor student.