jueves, 20 de diciembre de 2018


As a last post in the blogs of the English course and also as one of my last courses as a student, it is worthwhile to take stock of everything that was the experience of learning English at the university.  For different mistakes (both mine and the bureaucracy of the university) I took a little late English courses. That would have been solved with a little willingness from both parties, but it's over, we'd better talk about what these years were like learning English in the university.

In general, these courses were good. Fed up with the material seen in classes, they were things that I had already seen in high school. For what it served me to review things that I did not remember very well or rightly I did not learn in high school, if that's why very good point. Using blogs within the course was something very novel and entertaining. I had a great time doing them.

I think one of the weakest aspects of which I have at the time of English, is talking. I still have a hard time talking and articulating ideas and phrases, without having to stop every so often. It's a bit difficult, but obviously it can be improved with practice. Practice makes a master. On the contrary, what I find least difficult is reading in English, it is much easier than speaking or writing. Reading in English is entertaining.}

I regularly try to use a lot of English in my daily life, especially when watching movies. I try to see them without subtitles in Spanish or at most, with subtitles in English, in order to continue training and better understand the language.

I think it's all for now, see you!

jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2018


Since I entered until today, I am almost graduated from my studies of Cinema & TV, very few changes have been made, both in its curriculum, as in infrastructure and technologies. But hey, we better talk about the changes that I would like to make in ICEI and especially to film and TV studies.

First, one of the big problems that exist in ICEI, are the problems of infrastructure and technologies. We have very few spaces for which to carry out our workshop exercises (as much as fiction or documentary or television), which means that there is always a shortage of cameras and other minimum equipment that we need to carry out our projects. If the first thing we would need would be to have more equipment (cameras, sound equipment, grips, etc...)

Another of the big problems in Cinema & TV are the few branches of aesthetics that exist, since most of the theoretical branches that we have as film students, are simply communication lines that we share with students of journalism.  This vision (which by itself is not bad, if not a little limited) of the cinema only as a form of communication, leaves aside other aspects totally fundamental for the realization of projects. Aspects such as: composition, color theory, narrative theory, etc...

Another issue that should be in our curricular mesh, is some about the use of reels of films. Since throughout our career, we never use film, only digital. Which I find serious because it is fundamental to know how chemically and aesthetically works the reels of film.

jueves, 6 de diciembre de 2018


This will be my last summer as a student, this is so sad.  Next year I will only have the title defense and I will officially be an enlightened unemployed.  If I thought this year to start my professional practice, which would mean having an entertaining summer working (?). While I was looking for where to do my professional practice, I found a job, a real one, not a practice, so I thought and concluded that it would be best to leave my practice for March.

Well, this work will be in the second film of a friend director.  The film is called "La Ciudad de los Césares", and this is a journalism student looking for a lost Chilean film, from the seventies, which knew very little about it. In this search, the journalism student enters the bohemian and artistic world of Santiago.  My role in the filming of this film will be that of gaffer. For those who do not know, gaffer is called to the people who work as an illuminist, that is, he is responsible for the shooting of everything that has to do with spotlights and lights and scenes lighting. I think that because of the theme of the film and my role in the filming of this film, this will be a very entertaining experience.

On the other hand, this shoot would last only January, so it would have the month of February free. This month I plan to work on my short film project with my Friends. Ultimately this summer will be very entertaining and exciting.